Búmerkið hjá felagnum

Heidi S. Mortensen.

  • Heidi S. Mortensen, M.Sc.

    Researcher, Ph.D. student

    Email: heidi@fiskaaling.fo 
    Phone: +298 774765

    Affiliation: P/F Fiskaaling

Areas of interest

  • Stereology
  • Histology
  • RT-PCR
  • ELISA and other colorimetric analysis
  • Fish health
  • Recirculating aquaculture systems

My research interest is improving the health and wellbeing of farmed fish, especially large post-smolts. I currently focus on the optimization of water quality in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) in order to promote fish health and limit negative physiological effects.

My interest in the interaction between water quality and health comes from my prior experience in water quality assessment as an environmental supervisor at the Environmental Agency of the Faroes Islands and my stereological and neuroscience background.

For future work, I am keen on implementing stereology as a tool to estimate fish health, especially in the gill and other mucosal surfaces that are in contact with the RAS water.


Heidi S. Mortensen, Bente Pakkenberg, Maria Dam, Rune Dietz, Christian Sonne, Bjarni Mikkelsen and Nina Eriksen (2014). Quantitative relationships in delphinid neocortex. In Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 8:132.

Eleanor P. Jones, Jens-Kjeld Jensen, Eyðfinn Magnussen, Noomi Gregersen, Heidi Hansenand Jeremy B. Searle (2011). A molecular characterization of the charismatic Faroe house mouse, 471-482. In Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.

Anna Maria Fossá, Erla Olsen, William Simonsen, Magnus Gaard and Heidi Hansen(2010). Vegetation transition following drainage in a high-latitude hyper-oceanic ecosystem, 249-256. In applied Vegetation Science 13:2.